Applying for exchange

So you've decided you want to apply for a semester-based exchange!

Before you start the application process make sure you have confirmed that you are eligible and know where you want to go.

If you are having difficulty at any stage of the application process, please contact an Internships and Global Experiences Coordinator for help. Do not contact your host institution directly as all enquiries must be made through Global Experiences until you are formally accepted.

Sem 1, 2025 Exchange application deadline extended: now closes 23 June 2024.

NOTE: A number of host universities are already full and no longer available in the extended deadline. See the list of available hosts here.

1. Complete a progression check

Progression checks (or program planners) allow students to self-check the courses they have already completed, and those remaining in their UQ program.

Make sure you are aware of the course requirements of your UQ program before completing the progression check/program planner.

Important: Going on exchange in your final semester may delay your graduation date. 

How to complete a progression check for your faculty?

HASS Faculty


For more information from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS), please see: Program Advice

Science Faculty

For more information from the Faculty of Science, please see: Read this

BEL Faculty

For more information from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL), please see: Progression Checks

EAIT Faculty

For more information from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT (EAIT), please see: Contact faculty

Find out more about progression checks in other faculties

Exchange deadlines

Find a host university

 Global Experiences
Frequently Asked Questions
Search UQ FAQs for commonly asked questions. Use search words including 'global experiences', 'exchange', 'short-term' or 'internships'.