Student Enrichment and Success promotes and coordinates a number of initiatives which seek to strengthen the range of global, professional and leadership experiences offered to students.

Our goal is to maximise the student experience and enhance employability through a range of experiences, services and funding including global experiences, undergraduate research, student leadership, professional and practical experiences and careers support.

In addition to the support available through the Student Enrichment and Success, Faculty and Unit Student Employability Teams provide discipline specific advice, guidance, and experiences for students.

Louise Shaw
Employability Facilitator
Career Development
Rowan Collin
Enrichment Programs Coordinator
+61 7 3443 2633
Tegan Day
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3365 2836
Rachel Dowe
Employability Facilitator
Career Development
+61 7 3443 9121
Paul Dwan
Service Improvement Manager (Acting)
Systems, Operations, Analytics & Projects
Corinne Francken
Senior Manager - Experiences & Evaluation
Student Enrichment and Success
Luna Galaz
Industry Engagement Coordinator
Career Development
+61 7 3443 4394
Shirley Hsueh
Experiences Development Manager
Learning Partnerships
+61 7 3443 2637
Simon Hunt
Technical Business Analyst
Systems Operations Analytics & Projects
Madelaine-Marie Judd
Service Improvement Manager – Careers
Career Development
+61 7 344 31385
Mei Kyte
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3346 1497
Annie Lee
Student Finance Assistant
Student Enrichment and Success
Annie Lee
Grants Coordinator
Student Enrichment and Success
Michael Lin
Multimodal Career Development Learning Designer
Career Development
+61 7 3443 4607
Krista Markham
Team Leader - Employability Facilitation
Career Development
+61 7 336 54979
Matt Parsons
Employability Facilitator
Career Development
Alicia Pawluk
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3363 6374
Ashleigh Prager
Employability Project and Support Officer
Career Development
+61 7 3443 4395
Eliza Pumfrey
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3365 8832
Rachel Rasi
Enrichment Programs Coordinator
Learning Partnerships
Ms Anna Richards
Anna Richards
Senior Manager - Learning Partnerships
Learning Partnerships
+ 61 7 3365 3068
Aaron Ruutz
Team Leader - Career Development Design
Career Development
+61 7 3443 6030
Jaime Sabino
Employability Facilitator
Career Development
Clare Scoble
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3365 4978
Shreyas Shet
Systems & Project Support Officer
Systems Operations Analytics & Projects
Delia Terpstra
Enrichment Programs Manager
Learning Partnerships
Zoee Toigo
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3365 3552
Sofia Tran
Data Analyst
Systems, Operations, Analytics & Projects
Louise Trotter
Louise Trotter
Program Coordinator – Enrichment Programs
Learning Partnerships
Hank Tsai
Data Analyst
Systems Operations Analytics & Projects
Sarah Waters
Sarah Waters
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3443 2632
Jazmin Whiteford
Internships and Global Experiences
+61 7 3365 2836
Dr Dino Willox
Student Enrichment and Success
+61 7 3346 7012
Magdalena Wong
Employability Facilitator
Career Development
Lilly Zhao
Scholarships and Grants Coordinator
Student Enrichment and Success

For employers

Organisations can benefit from the up-to-date knowledge, skills and enthusiasm that a student brings.

Why engage with us?

By engaging with UQ students, your organisation can assist with the development of the next generation of young professionals.

Our students can provide your organisation with innovative ideas and new perspectives, a range of up to date technical skills, and an eagerness to learn.

Hosting students at your organisation provides you with an understanding of the skills and capabilities of UQ students and allows you to contribute to the development of students who may become future employees.

How to engage?

To advertise employment, internship, graduate, or volunteer opportunities to current or recently graduated students please post your opportunity on UQ StudentHub.

To arrange an employer presentation on campus to showcase your organisation or to get involved in other university employability events please contact UQ Careers

If your organisation is interested in working with UQ students (work placements or industry projects) please contact our Work Integrated Learning Team.