Prepare to go on exchange

Once you've been accepted to participate in the semester-based exchange program, it's time to get ready to go!

Below you'll find some tips to help you make the most of your experience while ensuring you keep safe and healthy while overseas.

Work your way through the IGET Pre-departure Essentials Checklist to help you prepare.

4. International SOS

International SOS will offer UQ travellers 24/7 pre-departure medical, safety and security information and advice. International SOS will also provide both routine and emergency assistance when UQ's people are travelling. In addition, International S0S will help UQ locate and confirm the safety of its travellers in times of crisis both domestically and internationally. There is no additional cost to UQ travellers to access International SOS.

To be covered by UQ’s Corporate Travel and Health insurance and access International SOS (ISOS), you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create an account/register with ISOS
  2. Create your profile
  3. Create a new trip and enter your travel details
  4. Complete the Travel Details (ISOS) form in your workflow in Student Hub and upload a screenshot of your MyTrips entry.

A detailed step-by-step user guide from ISOS is the MyTrips guide.
For further details regarding important steps in planning your travels with ISOS and FAQs, refer to UQ’s page for International SOS.

International SOS Assistance App

In addition to calling the ISOS Assistance Centre for any pre-trip questions you may have, you can access the country guides by logging in with your membership number at or by browsing the International SOS Assistance App. You can access this comprehensive and up-to-date site providing essential information including the following:

  • Vaccination requirements
  • Passport and visa requirements
  • Quality of health care
  • Advice on prevalent diseases
  • Personal and driving safety information
  • Hygiene: quality of food and water
  • Culture and customs
  • Currency
  • Weather and what clothes to take
  • Compatibility of electrical items
  • Personal safety advice