Prepare to go on exchange

Once you've been accepted to participate in the semester-based exchange program, it's time to get ready to go!

Below you'll find some tips to help you make the most of your experience while ensuring you keep safe and healthy while overseas.

Work your way through the IGET Pre-departure Essentials Checklist to help you prepare.

1. Pre-departure session

Before you leave for your semester-based exchange, you must attend a compulsory pre-departure session. 

The pre-departure session for exchange in Semester 2, 2024 will be held on 29 Oct 2024. 

Semester 1 2025 Exchange Pre-departure Briefing
Tue 29 Oct 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm
49-200 Advanced Engineering Learning Theatre (GHD Auditorium), St. Lucia

The pre-departure session will include information on:

  • enrolment
  • insurance
  • health and safety while overseas
  • credit transfer
  • culture shock
  • returning home

Green Book: Tips and Resources for Sustainable Learning Abroad