When should I submit my application?

You can submit your written application once you have completed all the Activity Requirements and reflected upon them through your Studenthub Workflow.  There are two application rounds per year and you can apply for either round, so long as you are still enrolled at UQ and complete the written application and interview before you graduate.  

Semester 2 deadline 2024 - Sunday 15 September, 2024 (11:59pm)

Semester 1 deadline 2025 - Sunday 13 April, 2025 (11:59pm)

Please note: These are firm dates and no extensions will be granted. We recommend that you prepare to submit your application early to avoid disappointment. 

The application guide is subject to change so we highly recommend you follow the online instructions that are in place during your final semester at UQ.

6. How the Application is Assessed?

Click here to view the rubric

Example: Rubric for an Excellent Application
ResumeFormatting and organisation of the resume is excellent.
Clearly communicates relevant experiences, capabilities and achievements.
Communicating PotentialLetter demonstrates a thorough knowledge of strengths and/or personal capabilities developed through the Award process.
Applicant identifies four key capabilities and uses the STAR technique to construct excellent responses which are comprehensive and well-constructed.
Application is engaging and highly effective in demonstrating enhanced employability.
Application to Work EnvironmentProvides a clear and considered connection between how the strengths/capabilities gained through the Award process will be effective in specific future work practices.
TechnicalPractically no errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. 


Important dates

Once you complete the activity requirements for the Award, you can submit an application.   

Semester 1 deadline - Sunday 14 April, 2024 (11:59pm)

Semester 2 deadline - Sunday 15 September, 2024 (11:59pm)

Please note: These are firm dates and no extensions will be granted. We recommend that you prepare to submit your application early to avoid disappointment. 

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