1. Enrolment and courses
Find information on the enrolment process and how to handle problems with your courses.
Enrolment at UQ
You will automatically be enrolled as a full-time student at UQ during your exchange. We will add 4 EXCH course codes (worth 8 UQ units) to your mySI-net account.
The 4 codes will align with the broad field of study of which you will study while on exchange.
For example, if you enrol in 6 courses at the host institution, and are approved to take these courses for credit towards two Economics courses, one French course and one Mathematics course, your enrolment at UQ will be as follows:
Course Code | Course title |
EXCH1230 | Exchange Studies - Economics - Course 1 |
EXCH1231 | Exchange Studies - Economics - Course 2 |
EXCH1326 | Exchange Studies - French- Course 1 |
EXCH1282 | Exchange Studies - Mathematics- Course 1 |
To understand the fees associated with your exchange codes, refer to our costs and funding page.
Ensure that you are not enrolled in any other UQ codes for the semester you are going on exchange.
It is your responsibility to check that you are enrolled in 4 EXCH course codes on mySI-net by the UQ Census Date:
- 31 March for Semester 1
- 31 August for Semester 2
Reduced study load
Under certain circumstances, you may request permission to take a reduced study load on exchange. If approved, you would be enrolled in only #6 units at UQ during your exchange and take the equivalent 75% study load at your host university (eg, 22.5 ECTS, 12 credits etc).
You can request a reduced study load:
- after you have met the eligibility criteria for exchange and have been allocated a host university; and
- at least 2 weeks before the relevant census date of the semester in which you are going on exchange.
To request a reduced study load:
- Complete the Reduced Study Load Request 2025-2027 form.
- Upload any correspondence you have had with your faculty/Academic Adviser regarding reducing your study load.
Enrolment at host university
Your host university will provide you with instructions on how to register and enrol for courses. You will typically find this information outlined in your acceptance letter, on the host university website, or emailed to you before your departure.
Enrol in courses at your host university as soon as possible. Classes can fill up quickly and you may miss out on courses that have been approved by your UQ faculty.
Problems with courses
Your host university will operate differently to UQ. You may experience difficulty in enrolling in pre-approved courses due to timetable clashes, limited places or a change in the language of instruction.
If you experience any issues regarding the host university's courses, you can:
- talk to your lecturer to see if they can make an exception for you as an exchange student,
- provide a recent UQ transcript, demonstrating that you have taken an equivalent pre-requisite,
- ask the International Office at the host university if they can assist you.
- request a reduced study load. See above.
If you are unable to sign up for a class that was pre-approved in your study plan, you will need to find alternative courses at the host university and request approval from your UQ faculty for the new courses. Please send an email to Global Experiences and your UQ Faculty explaining the situation, with a revised study plan and host university course profiles.
If your host university enrolment deadline passes before the new courses have been assessed/approved by your UQ Faculty, please enrol yourself in the host university courses that you believe are the most appropriate/best suited to your UQ degree. Then negotiate with the host university International Office about the process of changing your enrolment if necessary.
Keep copies of all UQ correspondence regarding course approval, a copy of host university's course profile and your assessment. This will assist with transferring credit back to UQ.