Prepare to go
Once you've been accepted to participate in an internship, it's time to get ready to go!
Below you'll also find some tips to help you make the most of your experience while ensuring you keep safe and healthy during your internship.
Work your way through the IGET Pre-departure Essentials Checklist to help you prepare.
5. Virtual Internships
Cyber Security. Please read and ensure you understand the Cyber Security management whilst working from the home document attached here: UQ_WIL_WE_StudentCyberSecurityAndDataUse.pdf.
Working from Home. Please also take into consideration the working from home criteria attached here: Virtual_Internships_Guidelines-and-Confirmation-for-Working-from-Home_v1.pdf
UQ Insurance. Students who are due to graduate at the end of semester 2, 2021 or who are not currently enrolled are eligible to apply for a virtual internship opportunity but may not be eligible for UQ Insurance whilst undertaking this opportunity.