3. Preparing for the Interview

In preparation for the interview, you will receive a rubric via email when first invited to book. You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the criteria as it will be used by the panel to review your performance during the interview.

Prior to your interview, make sure to practice: 

  • sharing your value proposition - how would you introduce yourself to the panel if you were asked "tell us a little bit about yourself?" 
  • responding to behavioural interview questions - by using the STAR technique, how would you respond to questions that ask you to tell the panel about an example of how you showcased a certain capability, and how does that relate to how you will excel in  your future work environment.
Rubric for an Exemplary Interview
Evidence of skill development through responses to behavioural interview questionsProvides appropriate/relevant and detailed examples from Award activities and clearly demonstrates use of the STAR-E process.
Application of skills to work environmentClearly connects the skills gained through extra-curricular activities to general work practices or practice in their field.
EtiquetteArrived on time for the interview, greeted and developed positive rapport with panel members, impeccably dressed and removed distractions (i.e. mobile phone).
Overall demonstration of interview skillsCreates an enthusiastic, approachable and engaging presence through tone of voice, positive body language and well-constructed genuine responses.
Interview resources are available on StudentHub to help you prepare for a successful interview.