Discover your University of Queensland Student Representatives in the faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL). 

Please contact if you notice any out-of-date information or want to be added to the list.

List of BEL Faculty Committees


1. Faculty Committees

Committee NameStudent Representative Contact

BEL Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Law Teaching and Learning (T&L) Committee assures the highest standards in teaching and learning, student experience, and staff development and recognition. In doing so, the Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Faculty and University on strategic and innovative initiatives that enhance the quality of the BEL educational experience.

Siti Norfaizah Mustafah

Undergraduate |


Latifa Ayu Lestari

Postgraduate |


2. School Committees

Committee NameStudent Representative Contact
School of Business

The School has a committee setup for each of its programs with the aim to enhance transparency and collaboration between the School and the student body. Find out more about Business School committees here.

School of Economics

School of Economics Student Staff Liaison Committee

The committee deals with all academic and admin matters that relate to the BEL Faculty.

Dominique Leong - Chair 2025 

Undergraduate |


Nishay Bhikha Secretary 2025

Undergraduate |


Amelie Marsland

Undergraduate |


Brandon Botting

Undergraduate |


Carter Hoffman

Postgraduate |


Danya Mody

Undergraduate |


Francisco Tavares Garcia

Undergraduate |


Hamish Trim

Undergraduate |


Jayde Parker

Undergraduate |


Laura McBurnie

Undergraduate |


Margaret Hayes

Undergraduate |


Nikolas Stamatiou

Undergraduate |


Nishay Bhika

Undergraduate |


Serena Huang

Undergraduate |


Varen Arya

Undergraduate |

School of Law

Teaching and Learning Committee

The School of Law Teaching and Learning Committee oversees all teaching and learning matters across the School.  Its role is to advise and make recommendations to the HOS on matters relating to teaching, learning and assessment. 

Grace Beattie - President JATL

Undergraduate |


Imogen Ryan-Kerr – Vice-President (Education) UQLS

Undergraduate |