Technical University of Munich

Munich, Garching, Straubing and Weihenstephan

Language of instruction


   Generally available as a second or third preference.

The Technical University of Munich is one of Europe’s top universities and is ranked within the Top 50 universities globally. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the promotion of promising young scientists. TUM was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence.

During WWII, 80 per cent of the main campus buildings were destroyed. When teaching recommenced in 1946, undergraduates provided voluntary hands-on restoration services.

As the capital of Bavaria, Munich is a major cultural and financial centre. Residents enjoy a very high standard of living – ranked 4th worldwide!

Semester dates

UQ SemesterHost SemesterDates
Semester 1Summer Semester (Semester 2)April–September
Semester 2Winter Semester (Semester 1)October–March

View the TUM academic calendar.

Guides and additional information


TUM is represented internationally through its multiple locations across the globe. Its main campuses, however, span 3 large sites in Bavaria:

  • Munich
    • Downtown campus
    • Olympic Park
    • University hospitals
  • Garching campus
  • TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)

Student testimonials

  • B Engineering (Honours) / M Engineering
    Semester 2, 2022
    The academics were all involved in cutting-edge research, such as nuclear fusion reactors, and many of these research fields are unique to Europe.
  • B Engineering (Honours)
    Semester 2, 2022
    The academics were all involved in cutting-edge research, such as nuclear fusion reactors, and many of these research fields are unique to Europe.
  • B Engineering (Honours) / B Mathematics
    Semester 2, 2022
    I think that my experiences in Munich helped me to become a more open-minded and adaptable person.

Full-time study load

20 ECTS credits per semester at TUM is equivalent to 8 UQ units.

Host university requirements

You will need a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.5 to study at TUM.


  • German: If you are planning to attend courses at TUM in German: Verification of your German skills.
  • English: If you are planning to attend courses at TUM in English: Verification of your English skills.

Students without the necessary level of German must only study courses taught entirely in English. Courses listed as being taught in both English and German are unlikely to be suitable - additional approval will be required.  

  • In most cases, the required level is at least B1.
  • Students wishing to study in the following departments are required to have a minimum language level of B2 in German to be considered in the application process: Chemistry TUM School of Management Center of Life and Sciences in Weihenstephan

Study Options
You must choose a primary admission department from the list of departments open to exchange students and take the majority (60%) of your courses from within this chosen department. Further details are outlined in the Additional Academic Information section below.

Semester Restrictions
TUM semester dates tend to overlap significantly with UQ semesters. This means that students either:

  • need to stay in Germany to complete their assessment tasks, but miss the start of their next semester at UQ (or miss the next semester at UQ altogether)
  • sit their TUM exams when back in Brisbane while already into their next semester at UQ (if permitted)

If you choose to pursue an exchange to TUM, you need to be aware that earlier or extra examinations for exchange students cannot be arranged at TUM. Exchange students are required to attend the exams at the official examination dates. Examination dates vary between the TUM Schools, but generally take place between February and March (winter term) and between July and September (summer term).

Other Requirements
Undergraduate students must have completed a minimum of two years (at least 28 units) of study before commencing their study at the Technical University of Munich.

Note: Host university eligibility criteria are at the discretion of the host and may change without notice.  

Find courses

Search the TUM course catalogue (select "continue without login").

Search the Credit Precedent Database to find courses offered by your host university that have been previously approved for credit at UQ. The database should be used as a general guide only. 
You must still check the host university course catalogue to see if courses from the Credit Precedent Database are still on offer and in the correct semester of your exchange.

Study areas taught in English

Civil engineering
Computer science
Electrical engineering
Environmental engineering
Environmental studies
IT and computer science
Information technology
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Leadership and Management
Mathematics and statistics
Mechanical engineering
Mechatronic engineering
Business administration
Business information systems
Chemical engineering
Chemistry and biochemistry
Civil engineering
Computer science
Electrical engineering
Environmental engineering
Exercise science
IT and computer science
Information technology
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Leadership and Management
Mathematics and statistics
Mechanical engineering
Mechatronic engineering
Nutrition science
Software engineering

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)


Dormitory accommodation is prioritised for students attending TUM under the Uni-wide agreement, however housing is not guaranteed. You need to express your wish to be considered for a dormitory place when completing your TUM application. If you do not do this, you will not be considered.

Students attending TUM under a departmental exchange agreement (Architecture, Chemical Biotechnology, TUM School of Management) are not eligible to apply for dormitory accommodation.

For students outside the Uni-wide agreement or for students not wishing to apply for dormitory accommodation, TUM provides some tips and advice for finding accommodation. Please be aware that finding accommodation in Munich can be challenging and it is important to start your research early.

Cost of living

Living in Munich is relatively expensive. Information on the average cost of living is provided by TUM to help with budgeting. Some additional costs you may come across during your exchange include a Residence Permit and Student Union fee. 

Financial support

A range of funding for student exchange including scholarships, grants and loans are available to UQ students.  

Exchange students are not eligible for TUM's standard scholarships. Students may be eligible for a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship administered through TUM. Visit the website to find further information on scholarship possibilities.


Students approved to participate in a Semester-based Exchange are automatically covered by UQ’s Travel Insurance for the country of their host university only.

For more information, read the Student Travel Insurance Policy Summary on UQ’s Travel Insurance web page (login required).

If you plan to travel outside of your host country, you should purchase additional insurance.

All students in Germany are required to have health insurance. You cannot be enrolled at TUM without sufficient health insurance. All applicants, therefore, need to contact a public health insurance provider to confirm whether they are adequately insured.

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)

Organise your visa

It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visa for the country where you will be studying. As the Global Experiences team is not a visa-issuing authority we cannot provide visa advice.

TUM provide information on legal requirements regarding entry requirements, residence permit, registration and de-registration, working in Munich

Contact the German Federal Foreign Office for visa and immigration information.

Travel risk levels

The University of Queensland cannot and does not allow students to travel to any country with a risk level of 3 (Reconsider your need to travel) or above, as assessed by the Australian Government.

If a country's risk level changes to 3 or above, experiences to that country are suspended until the risk level improves.

Find out the risk level and travel advice, and sign up to receive updates for your host country on the Smartraveller website.

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)