The Engineers Without Borders Cambodia Humanitarian Design Summit is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an immersive learning experience outside the classroom for students in engineering and other technical fields.  Over the course of 14 days, students are immersed in a real-world learning context, working in small project teams guided by experienced facilitators from a variety of technical, development practice, and related sectors.

What can I participate in?

The Humanitarian Design Summit is an immersive study tour designed to broaden perspectives of design and engineering in a complex environment while building professional skills. The program teaches hands-on skills drawn from EWB’s community engagement principles
and approaches while giving you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone. We challenge and support you to develop a deeper understanding of the role engineering and technology play incontributing toward positive social impact.

The upcoming Cambodia Design Summit will be based in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Program 1:
23 November 2024
End date: 06 December 2024
Duration: 14 days

Program 2:
20 January 2025
End date: 02 February 2025
Duration: 14 days

Participating students will gain experience in:

  • Humanitarian engineering skills and insights
  • Appropriate technology best-practice
  • Designing in resource constrained environments
  • Working with community and clients on needs analysis and problem definition
  • Evaluating solutions including maintenance, materials and cost
  • Rapid prototyping and development
  • Client engagement and communication
  • Cross-cultural engagement, teamwork and project management.


Located in Siem Reap, Cambodia the program is targetted to Engineering students but also welcomes students from other fields:

  • Engineering
  • Development
  • Commerce
  • Science
  • other fields that would benefit.

Participants on the Design Summit will undertake more than 80 hours of full-time engineering work experience during the two-week program. That is, ten days of full-time equivalent experience that meets the requirements of Australian university engineering courses that are accredited by Engineers Australia.

You can find out more about the EWB Humanitarian Design Summit by reading the EWB website. 

Visa Information (In-person)

It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visa for the country where you will be studying. As the Global Experiences team is not a visa-issuing authority we cannot provide visa advice.

Contact Engineers Without Borders  for visa and immigration information.

Application Instructions

All applicants must meet the UQ Internship Eligibility Criteria and any other criteria as outlined by the host organisation.

Students are required to apply to both UQ and Engineers Without Borders via the buttons below.

Students will receive access to their Internships Workflow once their application is approved by the Internships and Global Experiences Team. 

 Apply to UQ  Apply to Host


The program fee is approximately AUD$4,200. More information regarding program fees can be found on the EWB website.


Twin-share and homestay accommodation is provided for the duration of the program and included in the program fee.

For more information regarding accommodation, please see the EWB website.


New Colombo Plan

New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants  are available to eligible students if approved to undertake an Internship meeting the below criteria: 

Country Duration Date parametersValue 
Cambodia*Min. 2 weeksMust end by 31/12/2024 $3,000 

* NCP funding is guaranteed for eligible students.  

Internships and Global Experiences Grants

Funding is not guaranteed even if all selection criteria are met. Funding should not be a factor when developing your budget and should only be considered supplementary financial support if awarded. 

Applicants will be considered for only one grant per application round.

When you submit your application for an internship, you are automatically considered for funding that is relevant to your nominated experience. Please refer to the Short-Term Experiences Funding page for details.


Credit for Internships

Some students may be able to receive credit towards their UQ program pending faculty approval. The Global Experiences Team is unable to provide further advice regarding internships for credit. If you are interested in seeking credit, please refer to the Credit for Internships page for more specific details

EAIT Faculty

Engineering students may be eligible for Professional Practice. EWB is approved for up to 80 hours of Part A Practice. If you are seeking recognition for professional practice, please contact your faculty to receive confirmation of recognition. 

Key Dates

Application Deadlines

UQ: 24 September 2024
Host: 30 August 2024

Program Dates

Start: 17 November 2024
End: 23 February 2025

Program Duration

See the 'Program' tab for approved program offerings.

Due to Queensland legislation, students are not permitted to undertake unpaid work (not-for-credit) for more than 30 days in a calendar year. Please take this into account when planning your internship. 

Fast Facts

Type: Work Experience
Location: Cambodia
Credit: For-credit, Not-for-credit*
Cohort: Undergraduate, Postgraduate*

*Postgraduates can attend the program as not-for-credit only


If you participate in an internship program you may also be eligible to submit an application for an OS-HELP loan if your program is for-credit and you are enrolled as a Commonwealth-supported student. 

Application Deadlines

15 January for overseas study commencing March to August
15 March for overseas study commencing May to October
15 June for overseas study commencing August to January
15 September for overseas study commencing November to April

Refer to the funding page for more information on eligibility requirements and loan amounts. 

Internship Information Sessions

Students are encouraged to register and attend an information session to receive more details on the internship application process, eligibility criteria, funding etc.

Information Sessions