Information for Selected Students
Congratulations on being accepted into a Research Experience Program.
On this page, you can find information about what to expect as a participant.
Accepting Your Offer & Completing the Unpaid Work Experience Form
All research projects are awarded competitively, with short-listing taking place within the research unit you apply to.
If you are successful, you will need to formally accept or decline your offer to participate in the program via the short-form in StudentHub by the date specified in your offer email. At this stage, you will be asked to provide
- your offer acceptance or declined response,
- your project supervisor's details,
- your completed UQ Unpaid Work Experience Form, and
- banking details and postal address so the research unit can process the grant payment.
How to Complete the UQ Unpaid Work Experience Form
Below are some details to help you complete this form, along with your supervisor, and submit it with your acceptance.
Section 1 - Student details
Please enter your contact details into all fields and include the number of days of unpaid work experience you have already completed in the current year (if any - other than this research program).
Section 2 - Work experience provider details
Please enter your supervisor's details. You can search for these via the UQ Researchers' website if needed.
- The Contact Name is your supervisor.
- The Company Name is the research unit you applied to within UQ.
- The ABN for UQ is 63 942 912 684.
- The Company Address is the UQ campus where you are undertaking the experience.
Section 3 - Work experience details
Enter the start and end dates for the research experience program you are undertaking (these must be the set program dates) and the total number of weekdays you will be engaged for (i.e., Winter should be 20 days and Summer should be 30 days - only counting weekdays). The Activities to be undertaken and learning objectives should be completed by your Supervisor.
Section 4 - Acknowledgement
Place your signature and date in this section as the UQ Student and then send the form to your supervisor to sign as the Work Experience Provider.
NOTE: The bottom of the form suggests that you must upload to InPlace, however please ignore this as at this time you only need to upload this document to your offer acceptance form in StudentHub.
Once both parties have signed the form, you can upload it with your offer acceptance.
Attend the Welcome Event and Inductions
Each research unit should contact you to provide specific induction/facility access information or Workplace Health and Safety advice relevant to the area you will be participating in.
If you want to access all general UQ workplace inductions and trainings to review, you may do so through your UQ Blackboard login.
All participants are invited to attend the Welcome Event which serves as an orientation that provides additional information about the program, guest presentations, and an opportunity to meet fellow participants.
What to Expect
For many of you, this may be your first research experience. While each research unit will have different procedures, please find a few tips and tricks below which may give you insight into what to expect when you commence the program.
UQ is a BIG place
It might take a day or two to make sure you have access to facilities, databases and library resources, and it might take some time to complete all the necessary orientation paperwork.
You will meet some amazing people
Research happens at all levels of the University, and depending on your research environment it is likely that you will engage with and be supervised by a variety of staff including your supervisor, post-docs, higher degree by research students, honours students, and other undergraduate researchers. Make the most of this opportunity to meet other people in your field!
You may be pushed out of your comfort zone
It is quite likely that you will be learning about research topics that are different from the content you have completed as part of your coursework. Don't worry if you are expected to learn new things - that is the whole point of participating in the research program. Never be afraid to ask questions or seek help from your supervisor or other staff in your research unit.
You may have more autonomy than you are used to
Many first-time researchers are surprised that research can be a rather fluid and independent process. To help provide structure to your project, we encourage you to meet with your supervisor early in the research process to set goals, deadlines, reporting lines and determine how you both expect to communicate with each other.
It's not all glamour
Participation in this research experience is in many ways like a job, and while there is flexibility in the program you are expected to abide by the conditions of the program and your letter of offer. This means that you are expected to engage during regular working hours and complete set tasks. You might also be asked to complete tasks that seem a little repetitive - this is all a part of the research process and sometimes the most amazing discoveries are uncovered this way.
Consider the bigger picture
Keep an open mind throughout the process. This experience doesn't have to define what you do in your future career, in fact, the experience may serve as an indicator that research isn't the best fit for you, and that's OK. Instead, take some time to truly reflect on the new capabilities and mindsets you do gain from the experience and consider how they will influence your choices and performance going forward.
Have fun
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet the diverse range of people who work and study at UQ. You can meet other research scholars at centrally coordinated events such as the Welcome and Celebration events and Skills Training workshops, as well as other events coordinated by your research unit.
Skills Workshops and Library Support
We provide a number of programs and services that will help you make the most out of your research experience.
Skills Training Workshops
Considering this might be your first research experience, we offer a suite of skills training workshops designed to help you develop new knowledge and capabilities that will complement your research experience. Once you have accepted your offer you can register your attendance via StudentHub.
Training topics will be offered as either self-paced modules, Zoom sessions, or face-to-face sessions at the St Lucia Campus (bookings are essential).
Maintain your Library Access
If you are graduating and re-enrolling in another program at UQ, you must notify the Student Enrichment and Success Team so they can arrange specific library access for you otherwise you will lose it during the transition. Please contact your research unit directly if you have any questions about your level of access.
UQ Library Support
UQ Library has a team of librarians who can assist you with your research projects. Contact the librarian team to discuss your information and research needs.
The UQ Library also has online training available including access to LinkedIn Learning Courses which cover key software applications used at UQ. Other resources are listed below:
Shuttle Bus
Scholars who are based at campuses other than St Lucia can use the complimentary intercampus bus service to attend events & sessions. Every effort will be made to make sessions accessible to scholars online too.
Attend the Research Showcase
Once a year Student Enrichment and Success will invite you to attend a Research Experience Showcase which is a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the programs. This event also provides an opportunity for selected students to present their research to the cohort.
Learn From Your Experiences
Understanding what you have learned from an experience and seeking opportunities to apply it is critical for developing your employability.
Presenting Your Research
There are plenty of opportunities to take your experience to the next level by presenting your research to others. Here are a few opportunities to consider:
- Australasian Conference for Undergraduate Research
- Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
- Perhaps you could ask to present your research to your supervisor or UQ research team to gain some extra practice.
Employability Award
To enhance your employability, we encourage you to engage in the process of self-reflection as a means of identifying what capabilities and attributes you have developed through the research experience. By completing this process, you will become better equipped to effectively communicate your potential in future job applications.
Did you know?
The Summer and Winter Research Programs are recognised as a Supplementary Activity towards the Employability Award (providing you aren’t receiving credit or professional practice hours for your participation). To find out more about the program and what you have to gain from participating, visit the Employability Award website.
Watch Summer Research Scholar Kahlia Van Dyk explain how her research experience has enhanced her employability (0:00-1:14).
Achieve a Digital Badge
Participating students who wish to apply for a digital badge must complete the research experience in its entirety and submit a research report to Student Enrichment and Success by the advertised date. Information on how to complete and submit the report will be communicated to students at the end of the program.
Need more information
General enquiries about the program can be directed to Student Enrichment and Success at