Student voice
Empowering students to have their voice heard through the sharing of ideas.
About student voice
Student voice platforms are a way to have your say at UQ. Staff and students use student voice to:
- Share ideas, thoughts and opinions.
- Elicit feedback on a particular topic.
- Contribute to the decision-making process at UQ.
Voice platforms can be formal events where staff and student representatives hear student opinion on a particular issue, or they can be an informal lunch which staff use to keep in touch with the student community at UQ.
Want to give feedback about your UQ experience?
Write to us at, and the Get Involved team will get in touch.
How to get involved
There are three ways that you can use voice platforms to collect or provide feedback.
1. Focus groups
Invite a small, select group of students to talk about their experiences about a particular topic or a specific service (e.g. speaking to a few students who use UQ counselling services to get feedback).
Learn how to organise a focus group
2. Student forums
Organise gatherings targeted to a particular cohort of students to discuss common concerns (e.g. inviting students belonging to a particular course or with a similar background to express their opinion on an issue.)
3. Voice activations
Host activities on campus that allow any student to give feedback.
Get in touch with the Get Involved team at to plan a voice activation event.
Additional information
Want to run a student voice activity? Get tips on organising a feedback session that best suits your needs with the Student Representative Training Module.
You can also learn how to better advertise your forum or focus group with our Marketing tips.