Practera is an education technology and services company, connecting the world of work and learning through technology. Our mission is to create inspiring experiences that build employability skills, careers and opportunities for learners. We have offices and staff across six countries and a global technology-led vision.

 Our programs:

  • Apply your knowledge to a real-world problem, connecting with an authentic industry client
  • Develop new peer and professional connections
  • Deliver real business outcomes for your client and build career-relevant insights.

Employers are continually seeking graduates with more work-ready skills. Practera works to meet this demand by delivering excellent experiential programs that build vital skills such as creativity, critical thinking, innovation, complex problem solving and many others.

Apply Here

What can I participate in?

UQ in conjunction with Practera, are offering students the opportunity to work on a 2-week real-world business experience, via virtual collaboration with your student team, and client. This program is open to UQ students from all faculties and levels of study, however, eligibility criteria will apply. There are four nano programs available for students to participate in, only one program can be completed within a round. Please find further details on the programs below. 

Program 1: Global Trade Accelerator

Session 1: 27 Nov - 10 Dec

This program connects student teams to undertake international market research/analysis projects for real Australian Exporters through a project learning app. Through GTA students will act as ‘consultants’ to conduct a market research analysis for an Australian Exporter. Students will be required to commit to 25 hours in total over the 2-week experience. Student teams can meet in person or collaborate completely online to complete the project. 

Compulsory orientation: 18 Nov 2024

Program 2: Shared Value

Session 1: 27 Nov - 10 Dec

Shared Value is an experiential learning project that develops key 21st-century capabilities as students conduct research and provide recommendations in response to a client brief. Students will research, identify and present practical initiatives aligned to a UN Sustainability Goal to increase the positive social, environmental and economic impact the client has in the world.

All organisations, large and small, Government, private and not-for profits, have a role to play in creating a more sustainable economy and a more just society. However, this responsibility does not need to be separate to business opportunities; shared value initiatives should simultaneously increase competitive advantage and be in the pursuit of core business strategy & profits. Students will be required to commit 25 hours in total over the 2-week experience. Student teams can meet in person or collaborate completely online to complete the project.

Compulsory orientation: 18 Nov 2024

Program 3: Business Opportunity Accelerator (BOA)

Session 1: 27 Nov - 10 Dec

The BOA program is a two-week virtual work-integrated learning program aimed at supporting a real Australian organisation to adapt their business and so emerge strongly from COVID-19. Students will scan market changes for a client due to COVID-1, identify current and potential problems the industry/organisation and its customers may face, analyse opportunities to innovate the clients’ business models amid/post-COVID-19 and recommend a range of potential adaptations in order for the business to emerge strongly from this global crisis.

Compulsory orientation: 18 Nov 2024

Program 4: Social Marketing Strategy

Session 1: 27 Nov - 10 Dec

The Social Marketing Strategy program is a two-week virtual team based work integrated learning experience. Social Marketing Strategy is a business strategy that aims to improve your business' media reach. Teams of students will complete a research project for an Australian-based organisation, with an aim to increased competitiveness and economic growth for the company and opportunities to increase social media reach across platforms.

Compulsory orientation: 18 Nov 2024

What are the aims, and what do they involve?

As a student consultant in these programs, you will:

  • Work in a team with other students
  • Respond to an export brief provided by an Australian organisation
  • Work with your allocated team to conduct a 2-week market research/market analysis project
  • Develop real-world professional skills

The program aims to help improve your ability to:

  • Work well in a diverse team
  • Collaborate across disciplines
  • Manage a project
  • Deliver a market research project

Eligibility and application

Places in each Practera Nano program are limited and will be considered on the following: 

  1. Must be currently enrolled at UQ, must not graduate prior to programme completion.
  2. Past participation in a Practera Nano program.
  3. Participation in another IGET experience at the same time.

HDR Students may be able to participate in Practera Nano programs but should note that your participation: 

  • is extracurricular and outside of your PhD (implications to annual leave) 
  • will no be considered a HDR placement eligible for the Career Development Scholarship Extension 


Costs & Inclusions

There are no fees or associated costs that students are required to pay toward completing a Practera Nano program.

Program inclusions for student who successfully completed:

  • direct feedback from their client on their project outcome,
  • a certificate on completion, and
  • a completion badge to display on their LinkedIn profile.


Students completing this program are not eligible to be considered for a grant.

What did past student think were the benefits?

Below are testimonials from students who participated previously.

"Before enrolling for this program, I would find it hard to put my ideas in front of a bunch of people. This program was short and quick which served as an icebreaker for our team. We wanted to get things done on time and on point which made all of us bounce ideas off of each other as quickly as possible. We experienced how it was to be part of a team serving a real world client. Their feedback was crucial and very helpful. Most of all we understood that the technical skills aren't the only important ones, but soft global skills also play a crucial role in successful completion of a practical project.” Shared Value Program, Jul 2020 | UQ Masters of Science Student

“The Global Trade Accelerator Program was a great learning and working experience for me. I joined this program with little to no professional experience in business research however, with the support of this program I have greatly developed my skills in this short time frame. By articulating my knowledge and communications skills as an engineering student, I was able to contribute to the team from a different perspective and collaboratively work with so many potential future leaders from various backgrounds; including Social Sciences, Environmental Management, Business and Humanitarians. This is definitely a great start to my 2020. Looking forward to own more unknowns.” – GTA Program, Feb 2020 | UQ Bachelor of Engineering/Computer Science Student


Key Dates

Summer 2024/2025 Sessions

Application Deadlines

Open: 15 July 2024
Close: 20 October 2024

Program Dates

Digital Industry Projects

Session 1

Compulsory Orientation: 18 Nov 2024
Start: 27 November 2024
End: 10 December 2024

Session 2

Compulsory Orientation: TBA
Start: TBA
End: TBA

Winter 2024 Session

Application Deadlines

Open: 12 February 2024
Close: Now Closed 

Program Dates

Digital Industry Projects

Compulsory Orientation: 19 June 2024
Start: 24 June 2024
End: 7 July 2024

Fast Facts

Type: Work Experience
Mode: Industry Projects
Location: Virtual
Credit: Not-for-credit
Cohort: Undergraduate and postgraduate

Internship Information Sessions

Students are encouraged to register and attend an information session to receive more details on the short-term application process, eligibility criteria, funding etc.

Information Sessions

Practera Nano Industry Projects | May 2023 | Session recording