Kwansei Gakuin University

Nishinomiya, Osaka, Tokyo, Sanda

Language of instruction


   Limited places available. Potentially available as a second of third preference.

Kwansei Gakuin is one of the most prestigious private schools in Japan, dating back to in 1889. Kwansei Gakuin is now a comprehensive and integrated educational institute comprising all levels of education from kindergarten to university. KGU maintains academic standards that rank among the highest of all Japanese universities and colleges.

Most schools at KGU operate out of the Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus, located about halfway between Kobe and Osaka in the city of Nishinomiya. Nishinomiya is famous for its sake breweries.

Semester dates

UQ SemesterHost SemesterDates
Semester 1Spring SemesterApril–Early August
Semester 2Autumn SemesterSeptember–January

View the KGU academic calendar

Guides and additional information

KGU has online resources to help get more from your exchange:


Most KGU schools are at the Nishinomiya Uegahara campus, however, there are also KGU campuses located at:

  • Nishinomiya Seiwa
  • Kobe Sanda
  • Osaka Umeda

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)

Student testimonials

  • B Arts
    Semester 2, 2022
    I can definitely say that I have become more independent and improved in my organisation and adaptive skills not only in terms of education, but also in aspects of everyday life.

Full-time study load

14 credits per semester at KGU is equivalent to 8 UQ units.

Host university requirements

You will need a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.5 to study at KGU.


  • Japanese Language Track (JLT): Students taking the JLT track must at least be able to fluently read, write, understand and pronounce the Japanese Hiragana and Katakana phonetic scripts by the time they arrive in Japan. 
  • English: Students are not required to demonstrate any language proficiency, however, it is recommended students have the equivalent of TOEFL iBT score of 71 or higher.
  • Japanese (mainstream courses): Students wishing to take courses taught in Japanese with KGU domestic students will require Japanese proficiency of level N1 or higher.

Study Options
You must choose either the Japanese Language Track (JLT) or Modern Language Track (MLT). Further details are outlined in the Additional Academic Information section below.

Other Requirements

  • Course flexibility: It is highly recommended you have a full study load of UQ general electives if you wish to study at KGU.

Note: Host university eligibility criteria are at the discretion of the host and may change without notice.

Find courses

Please refer to the KGU CJP program brochure in the "Additional academic information" section for study options and course list.

Search the KGU Course List in the CJP Brochure and course details in the KGU Syllabus Search Tool.

Crosscheck the courses you found in the host course catalogue with the Credit Precedent Database to see if UQ credit has previously been granted. The database should be used as a general guide only. Few courses from each host will be in the database and many course precedents in the database may have expired. Note, the credit precedent database does not replace the host course catalogue. If a course is not listed in the CPD, you can still ask for it to be assessed on your study plan.

Study areas taught in English

Business administration
History and ancient history
Innovation and entrepreneurship
International relations
Political science

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)


KGU guarantees accommodation to incoming exchange student applicants, however, not all students will be placed in the accommodation of their choice. Students can opt for accommodation in a dormitory or live with a Japanese family in a homestay.  

Cost of living

KGU offers an estimated breakdown of student fees and living costs to help students budget for their exchange.

Financial support

A range of funding for student exchange including scholarships, grants and loans are available to UQ students.  

You may be eligible for scholarships while studying at KGU. Students are encouraged to explore all available scholarships to find more information and determine their eligibility.


Students approved to participate in a Semester-based Exchange are automatically covered by UQ’s Travel Insurance for the country of their host university only.

For more information, read the Student Travel Insurance Policy Summary on UQ’s Travel Insurance web page (login required).

If you plan to travel outside of your host country, you should purchase additional insurance.

All students must purchase compulsory insurance through the Kwansei Gakuin University for approx JPY 6,000 for one semester or JPY 10,000 for full year. 

All non-Japanese students must enrol for the Japanese Government's National Health Insurance system (NHI or Kokumin Kenko Hoken). To gain residency at KGU, sufficient insurance is compulsory.

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)

Organise your visa

It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visa for the country where you will be studying. As the Global Experiences team is not a visa-issuing authority we cannot provide visa advice.

Contact the Consulate General of Japan for visa and immigration information.

Travel risk levels

The University of Queensland cannot and does not allow students to travel to any country with a risk level of 3 (Reconsider your need to travel) or above, as assessed by the Australian Government.

If a country's risk level changes to 3 or above, experiences to that country are suspended until the risk level improves.

Find out the risk level and travel advice, and sign up to receive updates for your host country on the Smartraveller website.

Exchange deadlines

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)

Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)