Language of instruction
Limited places available. Unlikely to be available as a second or third preference
The University of Vienna (German: Universität Wien) is a public university located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world. With its long and rich history, the University of Vienna has developed into one of the biggest universities in Europe and also one of the most renowned, especially in the Humanities.
With its more than 70 locations, the University of Vienna has shaped Vienna’s cityscape. For many years, Austria’s capital has been the world’s most liveable city and has been ranked among the most popular student cities in the world.
Semester dates
UQ Semester | Host Semester | Dates |
Semester 1 | Summer Semester | March–June |
Semester 2 | Winter Semester | October–January |
View the University of Vienna's academic calendar.
Guides and additional information
The University of Vienna has online resources to help get more out of your exchange:
Exchange deadlines
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)
Student testimonials
- B Commerce/EconomicsSemester 1, 2019
If you're considering an exchange in Europe, there is honestly no better place to do it in than Vienna, Austria.
- B Economics/CommerceSemester 1, 2019
I have made friendships from so many different nationalities that will last a lifetime and lived a life that will completely change the way I move forward with my career.
- B ScienceSemester 1, 2019
Exchange has been a LIFE highlight. Why aren't you there yet?
Full-time study load
30 ECTS credits per semester at the University of Vienna is equivalent to 8 UQ units.
Host university requirements
You will need a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.5 to study at the University of Vienna.
Study Options
Not applicable to this university. However, you will usually be expected to take the majority of courses (60%) within a single faculty.
Note: Host university eligibility criteria are at the discretion of the host and may change without notice.
Find courses
Search the University of Vienna's course directory to find the most recent offerings.
When using this database, please use the arrows to navigate to the correct semester (E.g. 2022W for Winter semester, 2022S for Summer semester).
Alternatively, use the course search option if looking for a specific course.
Crosscheck the courses you found in the host course catalogue with the Credit Precedent Database to see if UQ credit has previously been granted. The database should be used as a general guide only. Few courses from each host will be in the database and many course precedents in the database may have expired. Note, the credit precedent database does not replace the host course catalogue. If a course is not listed in the CPD, you can still ask for it to be assessed on your study plan.
Study areas taught in English
Academic restrictions
Additional academic information
Exchange deadlines
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)
The University of Vienna does not run any student residence halls, however, are affiliated with external residence halls in Vienna. Students are responsible for organising their own the accommodation for their stay in Vienna.
It is strongly recommended you start to search for accommodation, especially if you are going to stay in a hall of residence, as soon as possible. The University provides housing information to help you find suitable accommodation.
Cost of living
The University of Vienna provides an estimate of monthly living costs in Vienna. Exchange students are also required to pay a Student Union fee to complete their registration and enrolment.
Financial support
A range of funding for student exchange including scholarships, grants and loans are available to UQ students.
Students approved to participate in a Semester-based Exchange are automatically covered by UQ’s Travel Insurance for the country of their host university only.
For more information, read the Student Travel Insurance Policy Summary on UQ’s Travel Insurance web page (login required).
If you plan to travel outside of your host country, you should purchase additional insurance.
Students who do not have public health insurance are advised to obtain a student self-insurance policy with the Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse, if they have taken up residence in Austria.
All exchange students nominated for 2 semesters are required by law to register for Austrian health insurance upon arrival (assistance and more information available during the mandatory WELCOME WEEK). Austrian health insurance is offered for approx. EUR 60 / month (info 2019) and also includes basic dental and eye examinations. This insurance will NOT cover the student’s journey to and from Graz or medical evacuation and repatriation – the student must purchase travel insurance accordingly.
Exchange deadlines
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)
Organise your visa
It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visa for the country where you will be studying. As the Global Experiences team is not a visa-issuing authority we cannot provide visa advice.
The University of Vienna provides visa and immigration information for incoming exchange students.
Contact the Austrian Embassy for more visa information.
Additional information can also be found via OeAD (Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research) website
Travel risk levels
The University of Queensland cannot and does not allow students to travel to any country with a risk level of 3 (Reconsider your need to travel) or above, as assessed by the Australian Government.
If a country's risk level changes to 3 or above, experiences to that country are suspended until the risk level improves.
Find out the risk level and travel advice, and sign up to receive updates for your host country on the Smartraveller website.
Exchange deadlines
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 1:
Open: 24 April (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Close: 31 May (for Semester 1 of the following year)
Application for Exchange in UQ Semester 2:
Open: 24 September (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Close: 31 October (for Semester 2 of the following year)
Extended Deadline: 28 Nov 2024 (for exchange in Sem 2, 2025)