Conor O'Neill

National Student Leadership Forum (NSLF)

I strongly believe in the philosophy of individual responsibility to serve others when possible, particularly in government sectors where one is effectively employed by the citizens of this country. I seek to embody this passion throughout my career. As a future research scientist driven to become a world leader in my field, I must ask how my field can best benefit humanity and serve the people.

This forum provides the platform to discuss and learn the views of other future leaders with a range of views and backgrounds, and help solidify my understanding of what it means to serve. I've internalised the message of giving and service and developed what those mean and the ways in which I can help others. I am trying to make changes on the simple everyday interaction level, as well as planning for bigger, more tactile actions. I've already taken action to make a simple dream of a lovely elderly lady we visited in Canberra come true. 

The highlight of my experience was hearing the stories of people from all walks of life, from students to CEOs, politicians, and entrepreneurs with a social conscience. They helped me to understand the various ways in which we can lead and serve, and inspired me to bring their message into my own life. It was also great fun, meeting and getting to know loads of interesting people, and including activities like team volleyball and a big 'barn style' dance in a great old wool-shed. 

My advice to students would be firstly, do it! It's really rewarding and you'll meet lots of great people. You'll hopefully learn a bit about yourself, broaden some of your horizons, and positively impact your life.  You'll also make lasting friendships - we've already made arrangements to meet up with all the delegates from around Brisbane!

Conor O'Neill


Bachelor of Science