Nicholas Lindsay

Oaktree Foundation

The movement to end poverty and the Oaktree Foundation joined together to create a 'road trip' of one thousand young people who while travelling to Canberra and Sydney engaged in facilitation events and group activities to learn about leadership and about development aid in general. In Canberra meetings were held with MP's and in Sydney sessions were held to enhance skills relating to public speaking and leadership and team development.

My role as a Group Leader included being responsible for 6 people on the road trip and to be their mentor and to guide them through the experience Some of the highlights of your experience were seeing each state's road trips come together in Canberra and to see 1000 young people all together united for one cause. Further, the development of my group into a strong team and the QLD road trip team’s growth and bonding as the road trip went on. Another highlight was meeting with two members of parliament and one senator to try and convince them of the Oaktree Foundations policy objectives.

My personal development was enhanced by leading a group of people and engaging in meaningful skill development sessions which were mainly focused on understanding the role that ourselves have in a team and which role we take. My academic development was enhanced as I learnt a large amount of information about development aid and about government policy and the way governments reach their decisions. 

Nicholas Lindsay


Masters of Architecture