Katherine - ESSEC Business School

B Business Management / Commerce
Semester 2, 2023
My advice for anyone considering a semester based exchange is - DO IT!

Personal Development


I was motivated to participate in a semester-based exchange as I was looking to not only improve my employability and set myself apart, but also broaden my global perspective and push myself out of my comfort zone in pursuit of personal growth.

Academic Development 

The invaluable personal development that I gained as a result of my semester based exchange has impacted my life more than I could have ever imagined. 

Immersing myself in a corner of the world which is filled with so much history, sparked a lot of introspection. Thinking about the hundreds of people who walked the streets before me and the historic events which went down exactly where I was standing and changed the world as we know it. The experience provided me with a newfound appreciation for human history and the world around me. 

As I chose to go to France, i was forced to navigate a foreign language environment. Although this was challenging and required a lot of work, I improved my French language skills immensely.  Whether it was my daily trip to the boulangerie or talking with friends in between classes, my french proficiency drastically increased as a result of daily use. Since returning to Australia, I have continued taking French classes as I realised the value in being able to communicate effectively across cultures and hope one day to become fluent. 

The exchange experience forced me to embrace independence, adaptability and unfamiliar situations. As a result, I have a new passion for the unknown and believe I am a more culturally aware and resilient individual. A quote by Neale Donald Walsch which I feel truly encapsulates how transformative my exchange was is "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone".

Professional Development

During my semester based exchange I developed greater cultural awareness, independence, adaptability and networking skills. Immersing myself in French culture allowed me to appreciate and understand different customs and perspectives, broadening my global understanding. Additionally, living away from home gave me the opportunity to develop a strong sense of independence as I had to manage my needs and obligations on my own. This challenged me and required me to adapt to my new environment and welcome change through flexibility. As a result, I found myself more open to networking - through academic and social events - and built friendships/connections with people from all across the world. 

However, these skills were not developed overnight and were a result of overcoming various challenges. Due to the language barrier, I was initially apprehensive to attend social events or do things on my own. I attended my first social event with a friend I had made in class, and it was a great way to overcome my apprehension. After this, I was more confident and comfortable to do things on my own. I believe the skills I developed on exchange improved my professional developed and subsequently enhanced my future employability. Through enhanced cultural understanding, global perspective and problem solving abilities, I believe I am better equipped to adapt to new environments and work effectively in an international or multicultural workplace.


The funding I received was extremely beneficial towards my experience and I am incredibly grateful. I used the funding I received to cover monthly expenses such as transport, rent, and groceries. My  metro pass was approximately 80 euros a month, which not only got me to and from university but also allowed me to travel all around the city. After budgeting for my monthly transport expense, I used a portion of the funding to pay for meals at university as well as other groceries and rent. The funding allowed me to go on trips which my host university had organised, allowing me to see different areas of France and make friends. As a result of the funding i received and effective budgeting, I was able to make the most of my time abroad and experience all that my university and France had to offer.


After receiving my acceptance offer, I did thorough research into my accomodation options. I joined facebook groups and looked for other students who had attended my host university. After reading other students reviews, I decided not to live on campus as I wanted to be closer to the city. I ended up booking a long term airbnb, which was a great option as it had all bills included (water, wifi, electricity etc.) and I was able to look at reviews to determine which was the best option. Living closer to the city allowed me to fully immerse myself in French culture and I was able to do more on my days off. Although it was more expensive than living on campus, I did not have to spend as much on transport, as I had a metro pass and could walk most places. However, it is important to consider your timetable when deciding where to live. As I only had classes 3 days a week, I felt it was manageable to get the train to school and I lived walking distance to the station. However, the Paris metro system can sometimes be unreliable (due to strikes) so it meant I had to plan in advance and sometimes leave home much earlier to get to school. I used the funding i received from UQ as well as some of my OS-HELP loan to pay for my rent. I would advise future students to consider there course load, the city they are moving to and what they want to get out of the exchange, when deciding where to live. As I only had to go to university 3 days a week and it was only a 45 minute train from central Paris to Cergy, I chose to live closer to Paris. There were a lot of students at ESSEC who lived in Paris and we would often meet up in the evenings for dinner/drinks so I didn't feel isolated.


The highlight of my experience was the friends I made while abroad. One of my favourite memories was after we finished our end of semester exams and celebrated with champagne and a picnic under the Eiffel Tower. The teachers/professors were also a highlight, as they all came from esteemed backgrounds and I felt honoured to be learning from them.

Advice/Top Tips

My advice for anyone considering a semester based exchange is - DO IT! My exchange experience was life changing and something I am extremely proud of. Although the idea of moving to a foreign country can seem extremely daunting, it will be better than you ever could have imagined. My top tip is to start saving early, research your host university and plan effectively. Budgeting is extremely important. Finally, I encourage you to attend as many university events as possible as this is a great way to meet people and everyone is always extremely welcoming!