Contact us

Reach out to the team to access support.

Have a question? We're here to help

The Student-Staff Partnerships (SSP) team is here to support you in your partnership journey.

For enquiries relating to SSP Projects, please write to us at

For enquiries relating to Representation and Voice please write to us at

If you want to reach out to a specific committee, check out the student representative directory

Subscribe to the SSP community mailing list to stay updated with SSP opportunities.

Join the SSP community mailing list

Meet the team

The SSP team (Projects, Representation and Voice) supports the SSP community and program participants.

Delia Terpstra
Enrichment Programs Manager
(SSP Projects)
Rachel Rasi
Enrichment Programs Coordinator
(SSP Projects)
Rowan Collin
Enrichment Programs Coordinator
(SSP Projects)

SSP Advisory Group Student Members 2024

Student members of the advisory group support the SSP community and codesign aspects of the program.

Joanne Walmsley
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Prachi Rehan
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science
Shreyas Raman
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology, Faculty of Science
Ylaine Lee
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law