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Protests in BLOOM - Bjelke Blues Discussion Panel, Friday 18 October, 5-6pm, BLOOM Hub by UQ Lakes - Free event, open to the public

Some would say students are taking to the streets like we haven’t seen since the Joh Bjelke days. Are we seeing a renaissance of student activism and what that might say about contemporary society and politics?

Our UQ campus has a rich past in student activism and with our panellists we will explore the past, present and imagine a future of student activism in Brisbane. The panel will bring together some of our great local storytellers and will be chaired by one of our student activists.

As Bjelke Blues editor, Edwina Shaw states “Life under Joh was no joke! In fact, for a lot of people it was downright dangerous.”

The stories in Bjelke Blues are potent reflections and reminders of what can happen when the mainstream public allow divisive politicians to use the law against anyone seen as ‘dangerous’ or ‘different’––such as those who fought for ethnic and gender equality, or who opposed environmental vandalism. A lesson we need to take note of today.

The discrimination and marginalisation of the Joh years helped to ferment an underground cultural response that flourished in the face of Joh’s efforts – an equal and opposite force of music, art, unity and activism. In striving to divide the community, Joh made himself a common enemy, radicalising and politicising generations of Queenslanders who refused to give in. 

Come and join us to dissect and reflect on Student Activism at UQ.  

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