Research Program Unit Coordinator Guidelines
The Summer and Winter Research Programs are administered locally by nominated unit coordinators. To support them in this role, a set of guidelines outlining key information and tasks has been developed.
Unit coordinator duties
Summer and Winter Research Program unit coordinators are responsible for the following activities:
- Liaise with research supervisors and submit an Expression of Interest to Student Enrichment and Success (SES)
- Organise which grant positions will be co-funded or fully funded within the research unit.
- Collate project details from research supervisors to be advertised on the research units website and also sent to SEED
- Review student applications and facilitate the selection process
- Notify all students of their application outcome via StudentHub
- Arrange on-site access and inductions for students, in collaboration with research supervisor
- Liaise with your Finance team to arrange grant payments
- Liaise with research supervisors and provide administrative support as needed
- Send grant payment information to SEED so the reimbursement can be processed
- Respond to student and staff enquiries about the program and projects offered by the research unit.
Program aims
The Summer and Winter Research Programs aim to:
- provide an opportunity for students to participate in an educational research experience,
- provide an opportunity for students to enhance their employability through the development of new academic and professional capabilities,
- provide an opportunity for research staff to identify potential Honours and HDR candidates, and
- Provide an opportunity for research staff to gain experience in supervising and mentoring students.
Whilst students are eager to gain research experience and achieve outcomes, their engagement in the Program should not replicate the duties and expectations normally required of a Research Assistant.
Program Specifics (as of 2023)
Work Experience Arrangement
Hours of engagement
The Summer Research Program will be offered in January (see Key Dates). Projects must be offered for six weeks (6) within the specified program dates. Extensions will not be granted.
The Winter Research Program will be offered between mid-June to mid-July (see Key Dates). Projects must be offered for four weeks (4) within the specified program dates. Extensions will not be granted.
Projects must not conflict with teaching weeks and should not commence prior to students completing assessment or exam requirements.
To fulfill our obligations to students under the Queensland Education (Work Experience) Act 1996, supervisors will need to comply with the University's Unpaid Work Experience Arrangement. An unpaid work experience form will need to be executed by both the supervisor and the student prior to completing the research experience.
Projects should offer between 20-36 hours per week of research-related activities for the student to engage in. Both the student and research supervisor will need to negotiate the hours and days of engagement to ensure a flexible arrangement is achieved.
All UQ research supervisors are expected to spend a minimum of one hour with each student per week. This contact should be in-person or via a video call.
Research activities can be completed at a UQ-controlled entity (i.e., UQ campus or UQ research site), or an external partner site. If students will be working at an external (non-UQ) site, usual host due diligence processes must be undertaken by the responsible Research Unit.
Working virtually from home is acceptable if it is agreed by the research supervisor and the participating student. A Virtual Research Experience - Top tips resource is provided to successful students in their letter of approval.
Student on-site access and induction
Start/End Dates
Each program has a defined start and end date (see Key Dates). Participating students are expected to start and end their engagement with the project in accordance with these dates.
Inductions & WHS Training
The unit coordinator, in liaison with the research supervisor/s, is responsible for delivering and/or arranging an on-site induction and relevant WHS training for all participating students. In doing so, the following arrangements should be made:
- Facility Access
- IT access and requirements
- Health and Safety Training (refer to the General Training Needs Analysis and/or the Laboratory Safety Training Needs Analysis to determine what training is required based on the research tasks and environment).
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Students need to complete the training through Learn.UQ (Blackboard).
For more information please check the Occupational Health and Safety website.
Welcome event
Each round of the Summer and Winter Research Programs features a welcome event (see Key Dates). All participating students, unit coordinators, and supervisors are encouraged to attend this event as it provides general information about the program and the opportunity to network. An invitation will be distributed by Student Enrichment and Success (SES).
Student eligibility
To be eligible for the program, a student must
- be currently enrolled in an undergraduate, honours or postgraduate coursework program at UQ at the time of application; and
- maintain ongoing enrolment in a program of study at UQ for the entirety of the Research Experience Program; and
- be studying for a degree relevant to the research discipline; and
- have a high level of academic achievement during their undergraduate degree.
Things to consider about graduating students
- If a student indicates they are graduating in July or December and they are not transitioning to another eligible program of study at UQ the following semester, they will not be eligible to apply as enrolment will cease upon graduation.
- If a student is graduating in July or December and can demonstrate they are due to return to further study at UQ the following Semester, their application can be considered by the research unit. In this situation, a research unit may choose to 'conditionally approve' an application on the proviso that confirmation of enrolment (CoE) in the new program of study is received prior to commencing the research program or that a seamless transition can be achieved whilst participating in the research program (i.e. no break between graduation and enrolment in the new program).
Grants (as of 2023)
As of 2023, students participating in the Summer Research Program will receive a grant of $3,000 for a six-week engagement. Students participating in the Winter Research Program will receive a grant of $2,000 for a four-week engagement. This grant is to be paid in full by the research unit (RU).
Student Enrichment and Success (SES) supports the programs by offering to co-fund a selected number of grants for each RU under a 50:50 arrangement. If this has been agreed upon, SEED will liaise with the unit coordinator to reimburse 50% of the grant amount after the program concludes.
Whilst SEED will make every effort to co-fund the number of grant positions the RU puts forth, we do hope that the RU will consider fully funding additional grants to provide as many opportunities as possible for researchers and students.
Expression of Interest process
An Expression of Interest (EOI) process takes place in August and December each year for the Summer and Winter Research Programs respectively. An invitation to submit projects will initially be sent to the unit coordinators, Heads of School, Institute Centres/Directors and Associate Dean (Academic), who will then distribute to staff to gauge interest.
To indicate that a research unit will participate in the program and seek co-funding, the unit coordinator will need to submit an EOI form via StudentHub by the EOI deadline (See Key Dates). A link to the form will be included in the initial invitation and will ask for the following details:
- Expected number of grant positions to be offered in the program,
- Contact details of the unit coordinator and a backup contact within the research unit; and
- Link to the research unit’s website where the projects will be advertised.
EOI outcome
Within 2-3 weeks of the EOI deadline, all research units will receive an email confirming the number of grants to be co-funded by Student Enrichment and Success (SES).
If the research unit would like to increase its request for co-funded grants, please contact SEED as soon as possible. Whilst SEED will try to accommodate additional requests, given the high demand for co-funding, SEED may not be able to guarantee additional co-funding. If additional funding can’t be provided, the research unit can opt to fully fund the additional grant/s.
StudentHub Access
The administrative and student-facing components of the Summer and Winter Research Programs are hosted in StudentHub. unit coordinators will use StudentHub to submit an EOI to participate, review applications, issue letters of approval, monitor letters of acceptance, and run reports.
Each unit coordinator will need to gain Administrator Access to StudentHub to be able to perform the relevant functions. To request access please complete the form available here.
A StudentHub procedures document is available to support unit coordinators through the process of reviewing applications and issuing letters of approval.
Collating project details
The unit coordinator will be asked to send a completed Project Submission Template to Student Enrichment and Success (SES) outlining specific details about the projects to be offered. The information in this document will be used to generate the student application form and will be required by the Project Details deadline (see Key Dates)
Listing available projects
The unit coordinator will need to arrange for projects to be listed on the RU's website prior to the start of the application period.
To assist unit coordinators in collating information for the project listings, a Web Project Listing Template is available. This can be sent to research supervisors to complete and will require the following information:
- Project title;
- Project duration;
- Number of grant positions available for the project;
- Project description;
- Pre-requisites and candidate suitability (what pre-requisites are required or looked upon favourably and what candidate qualities is the supervisor looking for?)
- Expected hours of engagement, learning outcomes, and deliverables;
- Supervisor name and contact details. Please note that supervisors must be either UQ staff or Honorary Title Holders. An Honorary Title Holder's role as a supervisor must be endorsed by the Faculty prior to submitting the research project.
Please ensure that the research unit’s website also directs applicants to the centralised Summer and Winter Research website for more information.
Open/Close Period
Students must submit an application via StudentHub before the published closing date (see Key Dates). Late applications are not accepted under any circumstances.
Student Enrichment and Success (SES) will continue to accept new projects for inclusion in the application form up until two days before student applications are due to open (See Key Dates).
Exemptions to these due dates will not be granted, as it is essential that all students have equitable access to project information and sufficient opportunity to apply.
Projects that have not been officially advertised through the summer or winter research program website and been included on the application form will not be eligible for consideration.
Initial Review
Once the application period has closed, unit coordinators will be able to run customised reports in StudentHub to review the applications received for each project.
When initially reviewing applications, unit coordinators should check the application data to ensure the following elements of the application are correct:
- Nominated researcher and project are within your research unit; and
- The student meets the eligibility criteria.
After this initial screening, the unit coordinator can download and share the applications with the research supervisors for short-listing.
Selection Process
How the selection process is conducted will be at the discretion of the research unit. Some research units form a selection panel to review all applications whereas others may ask the research supervisor for each project to make their own selection. Irrespective of the project, all projects should be awarded on a competitive basis taking into account:
- student eligibility
- the academic merit of the applicant
- reasons provided for wanting to participate in the program
- suitability of the applicant’s capabilities and attributes.
Students who have participated in a previous summer or winter research program are eligible to participate again at the discretion of your unit. If the number of applicants exceeds available projects and funding, please give preference to those who have not previously participated in the program.
Letters of Approval
After the selection process is complete, the unit coordinator will be responsible for either accepting, declining, waitlisting or conditionally approving the applications via StudentHub. Please refer to the StudentHub procedures for further instructions.
Students will receive an automated email notifying them of the outcome of their application. If approved, the student will be prompted to complete an acceptance form via StudentHub and to read and agree to the Conditions of Participation.
All applicants should be notified of their outcome by the deadline (see Key Dates).
Finalising Approvals
Once all application outcomes have been distributed to students, the unit coordinator will need to monitor the acceptance forms in StudentHub for their unit to see which students have accepted or declined by the due date.
It is important that the process of finalising all the acceptances is completed by the deadline (see Key Dates) so SEED can confirm how many students will be participating and can send them an invitation to the welcome event and skills training sessions.
Grant payments and reimbursement
Grant Payments
Grant payments for approved participants are initially set up and paid in full by the research unit.
We recommend speaking to your Finance team ahead of time to determine what requirements they have for organising the grant payment and to ensure it will be paid on time.
Unit coordinators can download the bank account details for each of their participating students from the acceptance form in StudentHub.
Grant reimbursement for research units
The grant payment should be recievd by the student halfway through their project duration. i.e., end of second week for Winter Program and end of third week for Summer Program.
When the program concludes, Student Enrichment and Success (SES) will contact unit coordinators to request the following information so the reimbursement can be processed:
- the total number of grant positions
- a chartstring/s where the reimbursement is to be paid
- contact details for further enquiries.
When arranging the grant payments, it's also an opportune time to check in with all your supervisors to ensure their students have been meeting the expectations/requirements of the program. A progress check may highlight concerns that need to be addressed prior to issuing the grant.
Support for students
Skills training sessions
A series of professional development sessions are offered by Student Enrichment and Employability Development (SEED) during the Summer and Winter Research Programs to support students. Past feedback suggests that students find these sessions valuable, but many do not attend as they feel that they are too busy with their project. We ask that unit coordinators and research supervisors encourage students to attend these to enhance their experience
Research Showcase
Once a year, SEED will invite all students to attend a research showcase which is a great opportunity to celebrate and share the achievements during the programs.
Expressions of interest will be sought from students to present their research at this event, thereby developing their capability to communicate research and reflect on their experience as a whole.
Research supervisors and unit coordinators can also provide opportunities for students to present their research elsewhere by either presenting within their teams or organising smaller internal events for all the participating students in the research unit to present to each other.
If you have any concerns about a student's welfare throughout the Summer or Winter Research Program please complete this form and a member of the Student Services team will conduct a welfare check.
Termination and withdrawal
As per the Conditions of Participation, grant payments will cease from the date of termination/withdrawal from the project, and if paid in advance will need to be returned for the equivalent full weeks yet to be completed on the project. In the case of termination or withdrawal, the unit coordinator must notify Student Enrichment and Success (SES) so there is a formal record of the change and the next steps can be discussed.
If a student needs to refund part of the grant, the unit coordinator will need to calculate the refund amount and then send a request to the student to complete an online Income Deposit Form so they can make the payment online. In doing so, the unit coordinator will also need to include the following details in the email to the student so they can include them on the form:
- Refund amount*
- Unit Finance Officer’s Name
- Finance Officer’s Email
- Type of GST - GST Free supply
- Operational unit
- Site Code
- Fund Code
- Function Code
- Account Code
- Project Code
- UQ GL Code
If the refunded amount exceeds $1000, the unit will need to raise a tax invoice for the student to pay. The student's original application form and acceptance form will need to be adjusted in StudentHub to reflect the change however this will be arranged by SEED.
Insurance and intellectual property
It will be the responsibility of the research supervisor to administer and record Student Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Deed Polls, as required. For more information visit the Student IP assignment and confidentiality deed webpage.
Any UQ student is covered by UQ insurance while undertaking UQ authorised activities. Please visit the University’s Public Liability Insurance website for more information or the Insurance for Students Fact Sheet. Further to this, all research activities must be completed at a UQ-controlled entity.
Enhancing student employability
Employability is a set of capabilities and personal attributes that empower graduates to perform effectively in the workplace, generate opportunities, and create positive social and economic impact. At UQ, we encourage students to enhance their employability by engaging in a range of experiences to help them develop capabilities and mindsets to be successful in any path they choose.
Seeing as research supervisors are in a position to create a meaningful research experience that further supports learning and employability development, we have provided a range of activities to help them enhance the employability of their student/s. Please refer to the Research Supervisors Guidelines.
Employability Award
Participation in either the summer or winter research program can be counted as a Supplementary Activity toward attainment of the Employability Award so long as the student hasn’t received course credit for their involvement.
Digital Badging for Research Experiences
Participating students who wish to apply for a digital badge must complete the research experience in its entirety and submit a research report to Student Enrichment and Success (SES) by the advertised date. Information on how to complete and submit the report will be communicated to students at the end of the program.
Research Supervisors and unit coordinators can request a copy of this report.
Feedback and surveys
Participating students are strongly encouraged to submit a research completion report (i.e. reflective survey) to Student Enrichment and Success (SES) after the research experience concludes. This report will be sent to students by SEED separately.
Both unit coordinators and research supervisors may also be invited to provide feedback for future program improvements.