Presented by a Tech Industry Panel

You don't have to be fluent in Python or C# to have a successful career in the technology industry! You may have the right attitude and aptitude to work with technology and not even know it. There is a massive demand for graduates with tech skills, even if you are not studying a tech degree, this could be an option for you! At this workshop you will have an opportunity to listen to a range of speakers from industry who will introduce you to dynamic career paths that exist in the field of technology and discuss how you can gain tech skills to enhance your employability and potentially even launch your tech career.

Panelists include

Sophie Zdenkowski
University Partnerships Manager, FDM Group Australia

With qualifications in Communications, PR and Careers Education, Sophie is passionate about connecting people and maximising relationships between the tertiary education sector and corporate Australia. In her current role with FDM Group, Sophie is focused on the IT sector where she encourages all students to enhance their employability with tech skills and encourages students to consider dynamic and exciting careers in the ever evolving field of technology.

James Cooper
Director, Talent Streams

James brings 14 years recruitment experience servicing the digital and technology space across a large array of different industry verticals, during which time he has seen the demand grow enormously for people with these types of skills right across the economy. He also is a co-organiser of one of Australia's largest Meet-ups "Sydney Design Thinking" which has over 6000 members.   

Alex Kok
Senior, Engineering Manager, SiteMinder

Alex is passionate about creating new capabilities - be it people or technology. With a digital transformation and software engineering background, Alex's previous experience included Internship and Graduate programs sponsorship in CommBank. Currently Alex is with SiteMinder, a technology solution company. He continues to be involved with tech industry engagement with universities in creating exciting career opportunities for the next generation of technology talents.


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About Industry Insights

The primary focus of the Employer Insight Series is to gain exclusive insight from industry about a variety of topics that will prepare students for the workforce. These online sessions will teach students on a wide range of employability topics including: understanding the graduate recruitment market, building an online presence and developing technical skills.

