With the written application deadline fast approaching on Sunday 14 April 2024, join us online to learn some tips and tricks before you submit your application. This session will: 

  • Provide a chance to ask our experienced staff any questions you may have before submitting your application,
  • give you the opportunity to hear from other students about the questions you may not have thought of, 
  • receive some pro-tips that could help you to boost your application to the best it can be. 
  • understand what will be expected of you for your final interview if your written application is approved.

Please note, this workshop will be aimed at students who have registered to participate in the Employability Award program and plan to submit their final online application in 2024 to receive the Award.
If you have specific questions in relation to the program, you can also make contact with the Program Coordinator by emailing employability@uq.edu.au

