Have you engaged in a range of experiences but don't know how to apply them to your job applications and interviews? Register for Post Experience Workshop to unpack your experiences and articulate it to your future employers!

The Career Development Team will be delivering an interactive workshop to maximise the potential of your experience. The workshop will provide you with the tools that you need to unpack the experience. This includes:

  • Identify learnings and capabilities from experience.
  • Develop a STAR response.
  • Develop strategies to make the most of the experience.

Explore more opportunities that will richen your employability? Check out the range of experiences, activities, and careers information available now!https://employability.uq.edu.au/career-developmentV

About Recruitment support

Learn about the recruitment process and how to navigate it. Gain skills in job searching, writing applications and interviewing through practical hands-on workshops and events.

