What does professional identity mean and how does it impact your next steps in your job search? In this session we will explore elements of your professional identity. Register for this session where we will:  

  • Identify your professional capabilities/strengths
  • Identify your interests (professional and personal)
  • Identify at least two opportunities that they would like to undertake to explore their options.

Explore our range of events and workshops designed to give you the edge: Career Development Events and Workshops - Careers and Employability - University of Queensland (uq.edu.au)

From application writing, project management and interviewing workshops to networking, career planning and learning about workplace culture, the workshops and events provided by UQ will help you to build capabilities that will make you more employable no matter what direction you choose to take your career in.

About Career Advice

Join us for a casual chat with one of our Career Development team to get an idea of what’s available at UQ to help advance your career. The team will be happy to advise you regarding employment, career options, passions, and more. You don’t need to have it all figured out yet as we are happy to guide you.

Register to find out about:
- Careers workshops and events taking place throughout the year
- Boosting your employability with volunteering and internships
- Employment opportunities
- Overseas experience


St Lucia Campus
06-216 Workshop Room B, Physics Annexe (6), St Lucia